Friday, September 30, 2005

Bill Bennett 's immodest proposal

Remember Bill Bennett? Paragon of virtue (editor, in fact, of the Book of Virtues)? Former Secretary of Education? Former Drug Czar? High-stakes gambler? He's back in the news: apparently he made a remark on a radio show this past Wednesday to the effect that the crime rate could be reduced by selectively aborting "black babies." Mind you, he wasn't recommending this, just . . . . mentioning it.

Everybody with a pulse is condemning his comment. The White House, even, is saying this wasn't, um, "appropriate." This might just be me, but "inappropriate" doesn't seem like the right word for this one. The idea that someone could casually toss off a racist remark about forced abortion is. . . well, kids, what adjective would you use?

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