Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More on the Anti-Abortion, Pro-Contraception Crowd...

E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post speaks about finding the middle path in an article entitled, "Bridging the Divide on Abortion", confirming what we've noted in this blog before: there is a large ambivalent middle ground of public opinion that is uneasy with abortion itself and also uneasy with a government ban on the procedure. The middle path? New York's Thomas Suozzi announced nearly $1 million in county government grants to groups ranging from Planned Parenthood to Catholic Charities for an array of programs -- adoption and housing, sex education, and abstinence promotion -- to reduce unwanted pregnancies and to help pregnant women who want to bring their children into the world. Calling his initiative "Common Sense for the Common Good", he was joined at his news conference by people at both ends of the abortion debate.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that abstinence-only education is a bad idea. I don't agree, though, that a parent who advises her child against doing something she herself may have done in the past is necessarily "hypocritical." One of the advantages grownup people have over children (at least in theory) is hindsight. Seems to me that parents have an obligation to try to protect their kids.
