The Women’s Bioethics Project (WBP) today announced it has received a grant from the Ford Foundation. The funding will support a mid-March planning meeting in Washington, D.C., to organize the first-ever Bioethics Seminar for Women State Legislative Leaders.
Developed in partnership with the Center for Women Policy Studies, a Washington, D.C.-based
think tank, the goal of the bioethics seminar is to prepare women state legislators to take leadership positions on emerging bioethics issues in health and biotechnology. The planning meeting convenes March 21st, and it will include leaders from the fields of bioethics, medicine, law, and women’s reproductive and human rights.
“We are starting at a state legislative level because that’s where many of these complicated bioethical issues tend to emerge,” said Kathryn M. Hinsch, founder of the WBP. “We firmly believe that women’s voices need to be heard, as women are uniquely affected by issues in biotechnology and healthcare. Women carry babies, live longer than men, and are the predominant caretakers for children, the sick, disabled and elderly people. By providing women legislative leaders the support they need to champion these issues, we can help ensure that the entire spectrum of human experience is represented on these critical issues.”
there is need to creat this awareness in third world countries where poverty and lack of access to resources hinders women accessing basic reproductive facilities not to mention lack of knowledge.I would ceratainly be interested to push this agenda whrere i come from as a way of contributing increased awareness to women