Monday, August 28, 2006

To Clone or Not to Clone: Is that the question?

To Clone or Not to Clone: Is That the Question?

A Moderated Panel Discussion
The Women's Bioethics Project will present a moderated panel discussion titled “To Clone or Not to Clone: Is That the Question?” A compelling and broad look at cloning and related issues.
The event will be held in the ACT Theater's Bullit Room on Tuesday, August 29 from 6:00–8:00PM followed by a cheese and wine reception.* This is a free event and space is limited so please RSVP.
The rapid advance of emerging new technologies leave many people bewildered and concerned. This accessible and interactive event is for anyone who is curious about what science, ethics and the arts have to say about cloning and related issues. It will shed further light on the ethical issues raised by stem cell research and cloning.

Paul Abrams, MD/JD, former President and CEO of CEPTYR, who will talk about the science behind adult and embryonic stem cells, therapeutic and reproductive cloning. He will address the following questions: How does adult stem cell s compare to embryonic stems cells? How is stem cell research connected to cloning technologies? What is the difference between therapeutic and reproductive cloning? What is the reality of those technologies today?
Emilie Clemmens, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Women's Bioethics Project, who will discuss the ethical implications of these emerging technologies. She brings her perspectives as a woman, mother, scientist, and ethicist to these critically important questions.
Kurt Beattie, Artistic Director, ACT Theater, who will speak about what the arts have to say about emerging technologies including ACT's upcoming production of "A Number." He will discuss how theatre can shed light on these difficult and complex questions.

Kathryn Hinsch, Founder, Women's Bioethics Project

Petra Franklin Lahaie, Board Member of both Women’s Bioethics Project and ACT Theater

Quote from Kathryn Hinsch, Founder, Women's Bioethics Project: “A key part of the Women’s Bioethics Project’s mission is to help people understand the implications of merging technologies.” said Kathryn M. Hinsch, founder of the Women’s Bioethics Project. “To some, cloning might seem like science fiction. But, in fact, last year, more than 500 bills were introduced at the state level that related to cloning or stem cell research. Since there is currently no federal law banning human cloning, we expect it will be a hot topic in 2006. Just this past year, California, Connecticut, and Massachusetts each passed legislation banning human cloning, but permitting the technique for research purposes. It is something voters need to know about now”

For more, check out the WBP home page.

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