Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Career In Business Isn't For Every Gender...

From my favorite satirical website, The Onion:

I've been in this field a long time. I've seen what it can do to someone who's not thick-skinned enough to bear the slings and arrows, and believe me, it's not pretty. The business world can be a cold and unforgiving place, and to make it here, you've got to be one tough cookie. It may sound harsh, but the truth is, not every gender's cut out for this line of work.

Day in and day out I watch young people with nothing more than a graduate degree and a few years of experience try to break into upper management, and almost exactly half of them find out they don't have the correct reproductive organs to hack it. They might bitch and whine and initiate litigation, but folks, them's the breaks.

Here's the long and short of it: Some people have the proper chromosomal pairing to seal the deals, and some people just plain don't.

I'm talking about survival of the fittest here, and the truth is, nobody gets a free lunch, especially when it comes to equal opportunity in hiring practices. Sure it'd be great if we were all blessed with the genitalia it takes to succeed in business, but the real world doesn't work like that. We can't fill America's boardrooms with people and genders unfit to be there just because we don't want to hurt their feelings.

What kind of society would we be living in if we gave everybody a chance, regardless of whether or not they had the right hormonal levels to get the job done? To read the rest of article, click here.

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