Monday, November 13, 2006

Pimp My Pride; More on the 'pimping' of medical students

A guest post by Alice Herb on topic we had blogged about before:

Medical students are a special concern to me so when I recently read Barron Lerner’s essay in The New York Times, I hoped to get a clue about what happens to medical students in the course of their education. Dr. Lerner, a physician and historian, described what he believes to be a vanishing form of teaching known as “pimping.” This peculiarly named practice is one where students are peppered with questions about diseases, patients, identification of vital organs, etc. while on patient rounds or attending surgeries. As Dr. Lerner pointed out, these practices, depending on the personality of the attending senior physician, can in fact be educational but can also be humiliating, embarrassing and undermining.

I first encounter future medical students when I interview them for admission. At that time, while admittedly trying to make a good impression, they are nonetheless brimming with enthusiasm, idealistic and eager to learn how they can best help the ill and infirm and in the process “make a difference.” They have all spent an inordinate amount of time volunteering both in medical settings and in their communities. Their energy seems boundless. Yet by the time they are in their fourth year of medical school, I find that too many of the students have become cynical, uninterested in the human side of medicine and reluctant to sit still for something as unimportant as bioethics. What has happened to them? Is this what we do to our best and brightest? What is it in the medical school environment that graduates doctors who have lost or turned off human instincts? If we are to fix our health care system we need to remember to nurture the softer, more compassionate traits of our practitioners.

[Thanks, Alice!]


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    It seems to me that med schools express our cultural values, just like other institutions.

    If students enter with enthusiasm to help others and to "make a difference", but those values don't survive the med school experience, what does that say about our culture?

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Since we are discussing a medical issues, I think this article is IMPORTANT for all to see:


    --===Internet News Publication ===--

    Weekly News About Important Events!
    Issue #10 SPRING 2008

    current Events, Articles, & More For
    You To Enjoy!



    - By Lori Mist, reporter

    ==> This might shock you!

    Have you ever had a friend or loved one who was hurt because of poor health care service

    or bad hospitals?

    ==> You are probably wondering, what happened?

    Reports from the Civil and Consumer Affairs Dept. allege that St. Mary's Health Center in

    Jefferson City, Missouri and one of their doctors, Dr. Vickie Park, allegedly denied a

    patron service, and as a result, that person got sicker! When the person complained, they

    were banned from the hospital by Ms. Susan Slimack, an employee. Sister Mary Jean Ryan,

    and Brent VanConia the heads of the hospital did nothing to make the situation better.

    ==> Do You Think The Hospital Was Right or Wrong In Banning A Patient Because He

    Complained About Not Getting Any Treatment?

    ==> Write Here & Tell What You Think!


    #If You Want to Know More About This Story Then Click Here:

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