Friday, May 11, 2007

Mothers of Bioethics: Happy Mother's Day!

In celebration of Mother’s Day 2007, The Women’s Bioethics Project is pleased to honor six outstanding women who have played an important role in establishing the field of bioethics and ensuring that it account for the perspectives, needs, and concerns of women.

We are pleased to recognize the following distinguished scholars:

Margaret Pabst Battin
, MFA, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah.

Rebecca Cook, JD, JSD holds the Faculty Chair in International Human Rights, the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.

Ruth Faden, MPH, PhD is Philip Franklin Wagley Professor of Biomedical Ethics and Executive Director of The Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University.

Patricia A. King
, JD is Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law, Medicine, Ethics, and Public Policy, Georgetown University and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.

Ruth Macklin
, PhD is Professor and Division Head of Bioethics in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD is Professor of Sociology at City University of New York.

Their ground-breaking work in the areas of law, medicine, sociology, and philosophy continues to enrich the field of bioethics – we express our awe and gratitude. Learn more about their impressive accomplishments here.

To honor their legacy, we are awarding six ASBH one-year membership scholarships to part-time or full-time graduates students studying bioethics.

Thank you to all those who submitted nominations for this year’s program—it wasn’t easy to narrow the field. We are establishing this as an annual event, and we look forward to bringing you news of more wonderful work by women in bioethics.

Congratulations to scholarship winners Sabrina Weiner, Stephanie Jenkins and Michal Raucher. (And special thanks to the Seattle Chocolate Company who donated little goodies for our bioethics "Moms" and to bioethics researcher Sue Trinidad who helped put the program together.)

1 comment:

  1. We have two more scholarships available. So apply!


    To be considered, email (info (at) one paragraph about your academic passion and commitment to ensuring the field reflects the perspectives, needs, and concerns of women. Be sure to include your name, graduate program, and university affiliation.
