Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Call for Papers

Special Issue of the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics:
Transnational Dialogues in Feminist Bioethics

Guest-Edited by Arleen L. F. Salles and Constance Perry

Feminist thought has provided a fresh approach to the discussion of a broad range of issues in the health care context. Feminist bioethicists have reflected on the gendered, class, and racial aspects of euthanasia, resource allocation, the patient-physician relationship, and the use of biotechnology in healthcare. More recently, the debate has been enriched by the presence of feminist voices from different countries.

In this issue, the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Feminist Bioethics seeks to encourage debate across national boundaries around issues in bioethics. We invite submissions that explore how differences between feminist thought in developing and developed countries can shape and contribute to the discussion of bioethical issues. Authors could choose to address this from a broad context or a specific issue of interest. We encourage collaborative submissions and papers and responses. The goal is to create a dialogue between diverse cultural, experiential, and national perspectives.

The deadline for submission is May 1, 2008. Papers should be no more than 8000 words. All submitted papers should be prepared for anonymous review, with any identifying references deleted. Authors should submit a separate title page, including contact information, as well as a statement that the paper has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should include an abstract (under 250 words) and 3-5 key words. Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word, as email attachments to Arleen L. F. Salles at sallesa@stjohns.edu or Constance Perry at cp28@drexel.edu

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