Speaking of ownership of bodily materials, genetic or otherwise, in a landmark case in Ireland, the Supreme Court ruled it was in the best interest of the child's welfare to remain in the state with his biological father. A same sex couple had entered into an arrangement with this man, where he agreed to be the sperm donor; the couple and the man also entered into a written agreement that it would be in the best interest of the child to know his biological father and provided for regular visitation. However, several months after the child was born, the same sex couple complained the child's father had become too close. When the father found out that the couple was considering moving to to Australia for a year, filed for a temporary order to prevent the child's mother and her partner moving away for a year.
Full story here.
The legal opinion in this case is available at http://www.ireland.com/focus/2007/lesbiancouple_denham/index.html.