Monday, September 15, 2008

More evidence for a mandate?: FDA approves Gardasil For Prevention Of Vulvar, Vaginal Cancers

We and other blogger friends have blogged about Gardasil before here and there -- and in a quick and dirty drive-by post, we thought we'd update you on the latest developments:

The AP press reports that federal health officials approved expanding the use of Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine, to prevent cancers of the vagina and vulva:

"The Food and Drug Administration first approved Gardasil in 2006 for the prevention of cervical cancer in girls and women ages 9 to 26. The vaccine works by protecting against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, that cause about 70 percent of cervical cancers. The HPV virus, transmitted by sexual contact, causes genital warts that sometimes develop into cancer.

'There is now strong evidence showing that this vaccine can help prevent vulvar and vaginal cancers due to the same virus for which it also helps protect against cervical cancer' said Dr. Jesse Goodman, director of the FDA center that oversees vaccines."

Full Story can be accessed here.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    If you're concerned about the nation's food supply, worried about genetically modified organisms and the role they play in what we eat – and why nobody wants to talk about these things – you should be, according to one Washington insider.

    Capitol Reflections author Jonathan Javitt had this to say about GMOs: In general, bio-engineered foods have led the way to better crop yields, tastier and more nutritious fruits and vegetables, produce with longer shelf life, and other benefits to producers and consumers of America’s harvest. At the same time, Congress never imagined the potential for genetic modification when our food safety laws were originally enacted.

    Capitol Reflections is a novel but it’s a story that could just as easily be taken from the pages of a newspaper.

    We would love to partner with you to help get the word out about Capitol Reflections. Author Jonathan Javitt is available for Q&A articles or interviews and/or he can write blogs or articles for your site pertaining to the themes found in the book. We'd be happy to provide a copy of the book for your review, or give you excerpts from the book to run on your site. We'd also gladly provide reciprocating links should you link to the site (

    Let me know if any of these partnerships sound interesting to you – I look forward to hearing from you soon!

    *Alexis James
    for StoryPlant and Jonathan Javitt

    (ps - i didn't see a place to contact you directly, but if there is one and i missed it, i apologize for the lengthy comment!)

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

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