Kathryn Hinsch, founder of the Women's Bioethics Project, was quoted on
CNN Health, regarding ethical issues in cosmetic surgery and patient-doctor relationships:
"Part of the fundamental trust between a patient and doctor is the idea that the doctor has the patient's best interest at heart, and that there is no financial incentive for the doctor to perform any procedure," Hinsch says. "When doctors start adding cosmetic procedures, which they're adding because they're big moneymakers, there's a corruption of that basic trust."
The article goes on to explore how physicians sidestep this ethical quagmire by never directly hawking their fat-blasting, wrinkle-smoothing, and hair-removal services, but that even a stack of brochures in the waiting room, Hinsch insists, sends the message to patients that looking younger is a matter of good health. To read the complete article,
click here.
Kudos to Kathryn for the recognition and speaking up on the ethical issues!